Some areas of development for myself

Areas i have identified that i need to develop more from practicum is self confidence and trust in myself as a upcoming teacher. Have trust that all my resources and knowledge is helpful towards the children education and learning and being confident in my delivery to children.

Whakatauki me nga Teaching philosophy

Faster the pathway of knowledge to strength

he whakatauki tenei mo te akiaki i te kaha

This whakatauki is a proverb that encourages strength and indpendents for our future generation it is a true outline of what we as leaders must help our younger generation to seek during life.
For myself knowledge strength, independence and growth is what life is all about.
Strength to carry on when things get hard and independence to make the right decisions in life and growth comes with growing up. 
For my teaching journey I will always carry this whakatauki for kaha.
My teaching philosophy is all round about shaping the younger generation and allowing them to seek the skills of knowledge strength and independence.

How has my thinking around teaching changed/enhanced in practicum

Practicum inspiration

Practicum was a time and place where i was able to be hands on with the children passing knowledge down and also receiving it. Practicum for me was a chance to be independent with the children and not relay on anyone but my self . During my two weeks it was a time were mind over matter came forwards it allowed me to be grateful and learn how to appreciate the presents of the younger generation. I was able to enhance the knowledge of my A.T and the school and also was a witness to the schools daily routine and also events outside of school. Practicum for myself was a struggle daily because my whanau and I were preparing for the lost of my nan which later in the second week she passed which was difficult to wake up and leave my nans bed side not knowing when I return if she would be there but every day was a journey from there. Morrinsville school showed me the reality of life being a teacher and that life sometimes cant be put on hold. I have learnt to continue on when things are tough and just bite the bullet.

My Understanding of Ethics in Education

My Perspective:

I believe ethics is about knowledge and delivery and making sure its about truth above all. I also believe that ethics is all in the way you teach and making sure that the delivery of your lesson is correct making sure your covering all curriculum requirements and using the correct standards.

My reason for coming into Teaching

My reason for choosing the path of becoming a teacher is to allow my younger generation to have a role model in life to look up to, I come from a family of many strong independent people that thrive to be successful on their own. Although we are people who live off the land we are also  one with it.
We always think about what will be left for our younger generation and knowledge is all that we have. I come from a family of  strong males and myself being the only female besides my grandmother and mother we must hold tight on to the knowledge we have and pass it down. During the year of 2005 on June the 6th a significant man in my life started his journey to heaven a man who was known as the local Piako community kapa haka tutor and known as the man who loved and was loved by many engraving his knowledge heart and soul into each and every student that attended Tauhei,Tatuanui,David Street and Morrinsville Intermediate and college leaving big shoes to fulfill  and this is where my journey began. With big shoes to full and a supportive whanau from Whakatohea reaching all the way to Ngati Kahungungu to here Tainui started.

 Although there are a lot of reason i choose the path the real question is why not.

What makes me so special


Special is a word that doesn't reflect true quality there fore I am unique in my own way. From my humorous Ngati Kahungunu laughter to my Ngati wairere smile of grace to my Whakatohea staunchness each reflecting the traits of my tupuna. Kāore te kumara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka. Although the kumara does not talk about how sweet she is, because the sweet and bitter taste isn't whats important its the seed from deep within.What sweet and bitter taste you ask?That sweet taste on the tip of your tongue when you reach for the Christmas pavlova on the table surrounded by whanau and the wairua in the room is what makes it sweet and that bitter taste follows with "Disgusting" behavior when sitting in a marae hui where whanau are fighting and really your people are only fighting themselves. And whats unique about the seed?Its a seed handed down from tupuna to whanau and then reaching you. Although that isn't what makes me special its what makes me unique. Despite my constant laughter I am serious when I need to be, sometimes I smile when deep down I'm mad, my staunch chill look while in deep thought all contributes to what makes me unique.

Elements to be embedded into your teaching

Elements I wish to embed into my teaching skills

I wish to embed Patience and different learning ability Technics into my teaching path allowing myself to adapt to students at any learning level. I want to be able to understand and create a earning space were all students are provided with a safe environment and equal rights during my path of becoming one of the many amazing teachers .My tikanaga is strong, my wairua is open and i hope that is how my students can be.

The lift of  Aroha and support
Red is the colour of love

Ko wai au?